Bruno's House and Food Store
So why did I want to write about these interviews?
Well, simply put, our "normal" interview process was completely foreign and difficult for the average person. On our first day of interviews, it became abundantly clear that we needed to reiterate the necessity for Portuguese proficiency. Although it's the "official" language it's not always spoken in the communities, creating yet another vicious circle of educated people speak Portuguese, they get the jobs and further education leaving those who do not with the lower paying jobs and lack of opportunities. But, then again, they speak numerous languages (about 43) across the country with only ~40% of the nation's population speaking Portuguese- though all government personnel do and most urban populations.
Interestingly, I've been learning Chopi but that is only really spoken in this area so I have to remember not to use it while outside the district...
Waiting to start the interviews in an empty classroom
We're always taught to "sell" ourselves in interviews. List our best qualities on our CV/Resumes. We're taught to make eye contact, sit straight, dress well, speak loud and clear etc.
Most of the candidates seemed highly uncomfortable, or at least unfamiliar, with the style of questions and interview format. We asked questions such as: Why are you interested in this program? What do you hope to gain? Why do you think sport is a good instrument to teach kids? What are qualities of a good leader? What are your leadership qualities? Can you share an example of when you learned something and changed your behaviour/attitude/values?
Shortcut to work
Nearly all of them laughed shyly when asked what their leadership qualities were. Some refused to answer, replying it wasn't for them to say. Sometimes it was difficult to hear the replies at all because they spoke so quietly. Other times, they wouldn't look at me at all.
I have no doubt that some of them would be, or already are excellent leaders, but these questions and way of thinking about themselves was new and frightening. I am sure it didn't help that they had a soulless ginger interviewing them...
A few of them said, when asked if they had any comments or questions for us, that just the interview process has opened their minds and helped them learn.
Perhaps it would be more effective to have a different style of interviews or different questions but I think 1. it made it easier to find the people that would be successful in our program and 2. it challenged them to think about themselves and about what they think and do. Makes me believe even more in our program and how it can positively affect these communities.
Rest of the week is working on the manuals (which have so many mistakes!) and preparing for the workshop next week!! I can't wait to play games with these awesome leaders!! And, to get out of the office :)
Photos for your viewing pleasure:
Effective Mosquito Protection... And champagne
Piri Piri fresh off the tree
Sunday morning lawn care
Amazing stuffed crab
Praia do Tofinho
I just love this photo
Snack time?